[slurm-users] JobState of RaisedSignal:53 Real-time_signal_19; slurm 23.02.4

John Pellman jpellman at nysbc.org
Mon Nov 13 14:38:45 UTC 2023

At a glance my guess would be that the user needs to place a double dash 
(/--/) after/rstudio_4.2.sif/ or that the command to be executed needs 
to be double-quoted.  Otherwise singularity might be trying to parse the 
rstudio flags as its own.

WTERMSIG 53 <https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/wait.2.html> mostly 
just indicates that the rstudio process was killed with the SIGRTMAX-11 
signal (not sure why exactly as I don't believe SLURM makes use of this 

On 11/10/2023 1:25 PM, Robert Kudyba wrote:
> The user is launching a Singularity container for RStudio and the 
> final option for --rsession-path does not exist.
> scontrol show job 420719
> JobId=420719 JobName=r2.sbatch
>   UserId=ouruser(552199) GroupId=user(500) MCS_label=N/A
>   Priority=1428 Nice=0 Account=ouracct QOS=xxx
>   JobState=FAILED Reason=RaisedSignal:53(Real-time_signal_19) 
> Dependency=(null)
> Fromslurmctld.log:
> [2023-11-10T11:40:20.569] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job: JobId=420719 
> InitPrio=1428 usec=272
> [2023-11-10T11:40:20.973] sched: Allocate JobId=420719 
> NodeList=node001 #CPUs=2 Partition=xxx
> [2023-11-10T11:40:21.143] _job_complete: JobId=420719 WTERMSIG 53
> [2023-11-10T11:40:21.144] _job_complete: JobId=420719 done
> I think I may know the reason but wanted to see if this error meant 
> something else.Here is the snippet in the sbatch file:
> singularity exec --cleanenv rstudio_4.2.sif \
>   /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver --www-port ${PORT} \
>       --auth-none=0 \
>       --auth-pam-helper-path=pam-helper \
>       --auth-stay-signed-in-days=30 \
>       --auth-timeout-minutes=0 \
>       --rsession-path=/path/to/4.2/rsession.sh
> Thanks.
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