[slurm-users] Phantom jobs in sreport

Juergen Salk juergen.salk at uni-ulm.de
Tue May 10 15:13:17 UTC 2022

Hi William,

do those jobs show up when you run `sacctmgr show runaway` command? This command 
will also give you an option to fix them if it finds jobs in that state.

For some more details see https://slurm.schedmd.com/sacctmgr.html and
slide #14 from https://slurm.schedmd.com/SLUG19/Troubleshooting.pdf.

Best regards

* William Dear <william.dear at i3-corps.com> [220510 14:04]:
> I have several phantom jobs in "sreport user" that always show up even during periods when no jobs were running.  I don’t know the job IDs and would appreciate suggestions for identifying the jobs and fixing the database.  My cluster accounting is uses slurmdbd with mariadb.
> sreport user TopUser –parsable2 Start=2022-01-01T00:00:00 End=2022-01-01T01:00:00
> This command should return zero users since no one was running a job from midnight to 1am on new years day.  Unfortunately, it returns 3 users with usage minutes equal to the number of CPU’s reserved for each job times 60.  This is annoying since my weekly top user report continues to show users who haven’t worked here in nearly a year.  I would prefer to fix the database rather than scrap the database and start over.
> Thanks,
> William
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