[slurm-users] Changing DefaultAccount for user

Sarlo, Jeffrey S JSarlo at Central.UH.EDU
Tue Nov 23 13:06:03 UTC 2021

They only way I found was to add the user to the new account and then modify their default account to the new account.

sacctmgr add user example account=groupb
sacctmgr modify user where user=example set defaultaccount=groupb

Then you can remove them from the original default account if you want.


-----Original Message-----
From: slurm-users [mailto:slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com] On Behalf Of Loris Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 6:50 AM
To: Slurm Users Mailing List <slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com>
Subject: [slurm-users] Changing DefaultAccount for user


Occasionally I need to change a default account and I struggle every time, possibly because my expectations are incorrect.

However the messages and the manpage seem to me unhelpful:

  $ sacctmgr show user alice accounts
        User   Def Acct     Admin
  ---------- ---------- ---------
       alice   boblab        None

  $ sacctmgr add user user=alice defaultaccount=carollab cluster=bigiron
   Nothing new added.

  $ sacctmgr show user alice accounts
        User   Def Acct     Admin
  ---------- ---------- ---------
       alice   boblab        None

What does "Nothing new added" mean?

In the manpage for sacctmgr it says:

      System wide default account name
      Must be defined on the first occurrence of the user. 

I find the third line unclear, but I assume it means

      Must be specified when the user is created (and cannot be modified

Deleting the user and recreating with the desired defaultaccount is the only way I have managed change the default account.

Is this really the only way to achieve this?



Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de

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