[slurm-users] Assigning a QOS to a partition?

Miguel Gila miguel.gila at cscs.ch
Wed Jan 30 11:48:21 UTC 2019

Hi Prentice,

You could add something like this to your job_submit.lua

QOS_DEBUG                      = ’system_debug'
PARTITION_DEBUG                = ‘debug'
function slurm_job_submit(job_desc, part_list, submit_uid)
  -- ------------------------ DEBUG/QOS -------------------------------
  if (job_desc.partition) and (job_desc.partition == PARTITION_DEBUG) then
    slurm.log_info("::slurm_job_submit partition DEBUG. Original QOS: %s, new QOS: %s”, job_desc.qos, QOS_DEBUG)
    slurm.log_user(“Setting QoS=%s for this job.”,QOS_DEBUG)

Hope this helps.


> On 29 Jan 2019, at 16:27, Prentice Bisbal <pbisbal at pppl.gov> wrote:
> How does one assign a QOS to a partition? This is mentioned several different places in the Slurm documentation, but nowhere does it explain exactly how to do this. 
> You can assign a QOS to a partition in slurm.conf like this: 
> PartitionName=mypartition Nodes=node[001-100] QOS=myqos 
> But that doesn't seem to really do much. And the explanation for defining a QOS in a partition definition, while rather vague, seems to state as much: 
>> QOS
>> Used to extend the limits available to a QOS on a partition. Jobs will not be associated to this QOS outside of being associated to the partition. They will still be associated to their requested QOS. By default, no QOS is used. NOTE: If a limit is set in both the Partition's QOS and the Job's QOS the Partition QOS will be honored unless the Job's QOS has the OverPartQOS flag set in which the Job's QOS will have priority.
> If I want to have every job that requests the partition "mypartition" use the QOS "myqos", how do I do that? 
> Also, can someone please explain to me the explanation of the QOS field in the partition definition I quoted above? 
> -- 
> Prentice 

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