[slurm-users] SC'23 Presentations Online; SLUG'24 will be at the University of Oslo Sept. 2024

Tim Wickberg tim at schedmd.com
Sun Sep 24 06:33:44 UTC 2023

Presentations from SLUG'23 at BYU are in the publication archive now:

A huge thanks for all attendees, presenters, and the Brigham Young 
University for hosting a successful event. I look forward to seeing many 
of you again at SC'23 in Denver, or other events in the upcoming year.

Speaking of SC'23: the Slurm Booth will be back once again - #463 on the 
show floor. The Slurm Birds-of-a-Feather session will be held on 
Thursday, November 16th, in rooms 201-203.

The Slurm User Group Meeting ("SLUG'24") will be held in person at the 
University of Oslo in September 2024. We're still working to finalize 
the exact dates, and will have a call for presentations out in the spring.

- Tim

Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

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