[slurm-users] help with canceling or deleteing a job

Felix felix at itim-cj.ro
Tue Sep 19 11:59:41 UTC 2023


I have a job on my system which is running more than its time, more than 
4 days.

1808851     debug  gridjob  atlas01 CG 4-00:00:19      1 awn-047

I'm trying to cancel it

[@arc7-node ~]# scancel 1808851

I get no message as if the job was canceled but when getting information 
about the job, the job is still there

[@arc7-node ~]# squeue | grep awn-047
            1808851     debug  gridjob  atlas01 CG 4-00:00:19 1 awn-047

Can I do any other thinks to kill end the job?

Thank you


Dr. Eng. Farcas Felix
National Institute of Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technology,
IT - Department - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Mobile: +40742195323

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