[slurm-users] Question about gdb sbatch

mohammed shambakey shambakey1 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 08:24:22 UTC 2023

Thank you very much. I'm compiling from the source code.

Another question please about the proper location for the "-g" option,
because I see options like CFLAGS="-g" in slurm/configure file, and I
wonder if I should add the "-g" to  some other locations?


On Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 12:47 AM Davide DelVento <davide.quantum at gmail.com>

> Have you compiled slurm yourself or have you installed binaries? If the
> latter, I speculate this is not possible, in that it would not have been
> compiled with the required symbols (above all "-g" but probably others
> depending on your platform).
> If you compiled slurm yourself, and assuming you have included all the
> necessary symbols (or will re-compile appropriately and replace the
> binaries and libraries), then it'd be like debugging any other thing: just
> make sure to point gdb at the location of the source code, and then follow
> any of the gazillion tutorials around about gdb. If you are not familiar
> with gdb already, I strongly recommend that you start with some simpler
> program before attempting something as big as slurm.
> Have a great weekend
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:30 AM mohammed shambakey <shambakey1 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Is it possible to debug "sbatch" itself when submitting a script? For
>> example, I want to debug the following command:
>> sbatch -Mall some_script.sh
>> I don't want to debug the "some_script.sh". I want to debug the "sbatch"
>> itself when submitting the "some_script.sh". I tried to use "gdb" but I'm
>> not an expert, and it didn't work for me. I wonder if anyone did something
>> like this? and how?
>> Regards
>> --
>> Mohammed

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