[slurm-users] problem with slurm configuration and pmix

mohammed shambakey shambakey1 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 08:19:18 UTC 2023


I clone the slurm repository from github (version 23.11), and tried to
configure it as follows:
configure --config-cache --prefix=/usr/slurm_vm_23.11
--sysconfdir=/etc/slurm_vm_23 --with-http-parser=/usr/ --with-yaml=/usr/
--with-jwt=/usr/ --with-mysql_config=/usr/bin --enable-debug

But I receive the following error message:
configure: error: unable to locate pmix installation

I checked the pmix installation location, and it exists. I even used in
configuration and compilation in a previous version (23.11.0-0rc1) and it
worked fine, but for some reason, it is not working now.


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