[slurm-users] parastation (mpi)

Christopher Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Fri Nov 24 14:27:07 UTC 2023

On 11/24/23 06:16, Heckes, Frank wrote:

> My colleagues are using this toolchains on Jülich cluster (especially 
> Juwels). My question is whether these eb files can be shared ? I would 
> be interested especially in the ones using NVHPC as core module.

If Jülich developed that toolchain then I think you'd need to ask them 
whether they are agreeable to sharing them.

> Does anyone knows whether the parastation MPI is an active project 
> still, because the github doesn’t show so many recent changes?

There's a number of different repos under that umbrella, and whilst 
psmpi does look active it seems the psmgmt one has had more commits 
recently. So it does look active to me.


All the best.
Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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