[slurm-users] parastation (mpi)

Heckes, Frank heckes at mps.mpg.de
Fri Nov 24 11:16:11 UTC 2023

Hello all,
Some of scientists found the toolchains based on ParaStation to be faster than those utilizing openMPI or impi. I couldn’t find any eb files for toolchains based on this MPI implementation.
My colleagues are using this toolchains on Jülich cluster (especially Juwels). My question is whether these eb files can be shared ? I would be interested especially in the ones using NVHPC as core module.
Does anyone knows whether the parastation MPI is an active project still, because the github doesn’t show so many recent changes?
Many thanks in advance and sorry if I overlooked something in eb files of version 4.8.1.
-Frank Heckes

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