[slurm-users] Slurm version 23.11 is now available

Ole Holm Nielsen Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk
Fri Nov 24 11:17:33 UTC 2023

On 11/24/23 12:15, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
> On 11/24/23 09:31, Gestió Servidors wrote:
>> Some days ago, I started to configure a new server with SLURM 23.02.5. 
>> Yesterday, I read in this mailing list that version 23.11.0 was 
>> released, so today I have compiled this latest version. However, after 
>> starting slurmdbd (with a database upgrade), I have got problems with 
>> slurmctld, because of “select/cons_res” has dissapeard and, now, this 
>> parameter must be changed to “select_cons/tres”. If I change this, what 
>> is the impact in the system/cluster? What are the differences between 
>> “select_cons/res” and “select_cons/tres” if in newest versions it is 
>> mandatory to configure in this way?
> In https://bugs.schedmd.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15470#c3 you can read:
>> When making a change from cons_res to cons_tres there isn't much you 
>> need to do.  These two select type plugins are very similar.  The 
>> difference being that the cons_tres plugin adds much more functionality 
>> related to GPUs.  If you're moving from cons_res to cons_tres there 
>> shouldn't be any effect on the running jobs.  If you were changing from 
>> cons_tres to cons_res and you had jobs on the system that used the new 
>> syntax that is available for GPUs, then you would run into problems.  
>> For your reference, this is described in the documentation here:
>> https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html#OPT_SelectType_1
>> This page shows the new options that are available when using the 
>> cons_tres plugin:
>> https://slurm.schedmd.com/cons_res.html#using_cons_tres

Note added:  A little more details are in this Wiki page: 


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