[slurm-users] completion log scripts

Stephen Berg (Code 7309) stephen.berg at nrlssc.navy.mil
Mon Jun 26 10:57:14 UTC 2023

I've been hunting for any example of a job completion logging script.  
Currently I'm just using the text file plugin but I'd like to at least 
get an idea of how a script can be utilized.  As near as I can figure 
out so far the script option passes a set of variables to whatever 
script is called to be handled however.  What I haven't found is a list 
of those variables. I'm pretty sure that list matches what the 
completion log shows but that's just a guess right now.

Anyone got an example of something perl, python or bash that handles the 
completion logging?

Stephen Berg, IT Specialist, Ocean Sciences Division, Code 7309
Naval Research Laboratory
stephen.berg at nrlssc.navy.mil <- (Preferred contact)
W:   (228) 688-5738
DSN: (312) 823-5738
C:   (228) 365-0162

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