[slurm-users] Rolling upgrade of compute nodes

Ole Holm Nielsen Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk
Mon May 30 18:56:17 UTC 2022

On 30-05-2022 19:34, Chris Samuel wrote:
> On 30/5/22 10:06 am, Chris Samuel wrote:
>> If you switch that symlink those jobs will pick up the 20.11 srun 
>> binary and that's where you may come unstuck.
> Just to quickly fix that, srun talks to slurmctld (which would also be 
> 20.11 for you), slurmctld will talk to the slurmd's running the job 
> (which would be 19.05, so OK) but then the slurmd would try and launch a 
> 20.11 slurmstepd and that is where I suspect things could come undone.

How about restarting all slurmd's at version 20.11 in one shot?  No 
reboot will be required.  There will be running 19.05 slurmstepd's for 
the running job steps, even though slurmd is at 20.11.  You could 
perhaps restart 20.11 slurmd one partition at a time in order to see if 
it works correctly on a small partition of the cluster.

I think we have done this successfully when we install new RPMs on *all* 
compute nodes in one shot, and I'm not aware of any job crashes.  Your 
mileage may vary depending on job types!

Question: Does anyone have bad experiences with upgrading slurmd while 
the cluster is running production?


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