[slurm-users] Add partition to existing user association

Marcus Wagner wagner at itc.rwth-aachen.de
Mon Jan 24 13:54:48 UTC 2022

Hi all,

an association is a triple (quadruple if you have several clusters) consisting of "user", "account" and "partition".
So, you need to add a association.

I'm not sure, how the accounting works, if no partition is set. We are always setting that triple, automatically during first submission to this triple.

Not all users / account are allowed to use all partitions. This is checked externally, and if the user is allowed to submit to a partition with a specific account, we add that triple with sacctmgr.


Am 24.01.2022 um 14:38 schrieb Loris Bennett:
> Dear Thekla,
> Disclaimer: Firstly, I find account management in Slurm confusing and
> the documentation strangely unenlightening.  Secondly, I don't make many
> changes to things once users have been set up, so I have very little
> experience of actually tweaking the accounting.
> Despite my understanding of the documentation that you *can* modify the
> partition of a user, I don't think this is actually the case.  If I look
> at the database, the user table has no column 'partition' whereas the
> association table does.
> So you might be able to modify the association, but you might also just
> have to delete the association and recreate it with the desired
> partitions.  Or you might have to do something entirely different ...
> Maybe people who do understand Slurm's account management can chip in.
> Cheers,
> Loris
> Thekla Loizou <t.loizou at cyi.ac.cy> writes:
>> Dear Dori,
>> Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately this does not work either...
>> Best,
>> Thekla
>> On 21/1/22 7:43 μ.μ., Dori Sajdak wrote:
>>> Hi Thekla,
>>> When it comes to partitions, I believe you need to specify the cluster so in your example:
>>> sacctmgr modify user thekla account=ops set partition=gpu where cluster=YourClusterName
>>> QOS is not tied to a specific cluster but partitions are.  That should work for you.
>>> Dori
>>> ***************************************
>>> Dori Sajdak (she/her/hers)
>>> Senior Systems Administrator
>>> Center for Computational Research
>>> University at Buffalo, State University of New York
>>> 701 Ellicott St
>>> Buffalo, New York 14203
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>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: slurm-users <slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com> On Behalf Of Thekla Loizou
>>> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2022 9:12 AM
>>> To: slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com
>>> Subject: [slurm-users] Add partition to existing user association
>>> Dear all,
>>> I was wondering if there is a way to add a partition to an existing user association.
>>> For example if I have an association of user thekla to an account ops I can set a qos for the existing association:
>>> sacctmgr modify user thekla account=ops set qos=nosubmit
>>>     Modified user associations...
>>>      C = cyclamen   A = ops                  U = thekla
>>> However, I cannot set a partition:
>>> sacctmgr modify user thekla account=ops set partition=gpu
>>>     Unknown option: partition=gpu
>>>     Use keyword 'where' to modify condition
>>> This is not possible?
>>> The only solution I found to that is to delete the association and create it again with the partition:
>>> sacctmgr del user thekla account=ops
>>> sacctmgr add user thekla account=ops partition=gpu
>>> Thank you,
>>> Thekla

Dipl.-Inf. Marcus Wagner

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