[slurm-users] What is the 'Root/Cluster association' level in Resource Limits document mean?

taleintervenor at sjtu.edu.cn taleintervenor at sjtu.edu.cn
Tue Feb 8 07:30:25 UTC 2022

Hi all,


According to Resource Limits page (
https://slurm.schedmd.com/resource_limits.html ), there is Root/Cluster
association level under account level to provide default limitation. But how
to check or modify this "cluster association"? Using command sacctmgr show
association, I can only list all users' association.


Considering the scene in which we want to set a default node number
limitation for all users, command such as sacctmgr modify user set
grptres="node=8" do can set the limitation on all users at once, but it will
cover the original per-user limitation on some specific account. So it may
not be an satisfying solution. If the "cluster association" exists, it may
be exactly what we want. So how to set the "cluster association"?

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