[slurm-users] Job Preemption Time

Christopher Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Tue Nov 23 05:07:56 UTC 2021

On 11/22/21 8:28 pm, Jeherul Islam wrote:

> Is there any way to configure slurm, that the High Priority job waits 
> for a certain amount of time(say 24 hours), before it preempts the other 
> job?

Not quite, but you can set PreemptExemptTime which says how long a job 
must have run for before it can be considered eligible for preemption.

In other words if that's set to 1 hour and there's a low priority job
that was submitted 55 minutes ago and a new high priority job comes
along it won't be able to preempt it for another 5 minutes.

You can set it on a QOS for instance so that different QOS's can
have different minimum times.


All the best,
   Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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