[slurm-users] [External] Different max number of jobs in individual and array jobs

Prentice Bisbal pbisbal at pppl.gov
Thu Jun 17 19:29:32 UTC 2021

... to complete my thought, I don't think what you want to do is 
possible. If M is the number of job steps, and N is total jobs, M cannot 
be greater than N.


On 6/17/21 3:24 PM, Prentice Bisbal wrote:
> II know I'm a few weeks late with this response. I actually looked 
> into this 4-6 weeks ago. According to the Slurm documenntation, an 
> individual job step counts as a job when evaluating job limits. Pay 
> attention to the note in the documenation below. From 
> https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html:
>> *MaxJobCount*
>>     The maximum number of jobs Slurm can have in its active database
>>     at one time. Set the values of *MaxJobCount* and *MinJobAge* to
>>     ensure the slurmctld daemon does not exhaust its memory or other
>>     resources. Once this limit is reached, requests to submit
>>     additional jobs will fail. The default value is 10000 jobs. NOTE:
>>     Each task of a job array counts as one job even though they will
>>     not occupy separate job records until modified or initiated.
> Prentice
> On 6/3/21 11:12 AM, Shaohao Chen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We use Slurm on our cluster and set a max number of all jobs. But we 
>> would want to implement this: N concurrent individual jobs and M 
>> concurrent jobs in all job arrays (e.g. m job arrays with n jobs in 
>> each and M=n*m), and M is much larger than N. I have read the Slurm 
>> documentation, but cannot find a way to separate the individual jobs 
>> and jobs in arrays. Does anyone know how to do that?
>> Thank you.
>> Shaohao
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