[slurm-users] How to avoid a feature?

Tina Friedrich tina.friedrich at it.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jul 1 17:21:25 UTC 2021

Hi Brian,

sometimes it would be nice if SLURM had what Grid Engine calls a 'forced 
complex' (i.e. a feature that you *have* to request to land on a node 
that has it), wouldn't it?

I do something like that for all of my 'special' nodes (GPU, KNL, 
nodes...) - I want to avoid jobs not requesting that resource or 
allowing that architecture landing on it. I 'tag' all nodes with a 
relevant feature (cpu, gpu, knl, ...), and have a LUA submit verifier 
that checks for a 'relevant' feature (or a --gres=gpu or somthing) and 
if there isn't one I add the 'cpu' feature to the request.

Works for us!


On 01/07/2021 15:08, Brian Andrus wrote:
> All,
> I have a partition where one of the nodes has a node-locked license.
> That license is not used by everyone that uses the partition.
> They are cloud nodes, so weights do not work (there is an open bug about 
> that).
> I need to have jobs 'avoid' that node by default. I am thinking I can 
> use a feature constraint, but that seems to only apply to those that 
> want the feature. Since we have so many other users, it isn't feasible 
> to have them modify their scripts, so having it avoid by default would 
> work.
> Any ideas how to do that? Submit LUA perhaps?
> Brian Andrus

Tina Friedrich, Advanced Research Computing Snr HPC Systems Administrator

Research Computing and Support Services
IT Services, University of Oxford
http://www.arc.ox.ac.uk http://www.it.ox.ac.uk

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