[slurm-users] Updated "pestat" tool for printing Slurm nodes status including GRES/GPU

Loris Bennett loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de
Mon Dec 13 12:56:39 UTC 2021

Hi Ole,

Ole Holm Nielsen <Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk> writes:

> Hi Slurm users,
> I have updated the "pestat" tool for printing Slurm nodes status with 1 line per
> node including job info.  The download page is
> https://github.com/OleHolmNielsen/Slurm_tools/tree/master/pestat
> (also listed in https://slurm.schedmd.com/download.html).
> Improvements:
> * The GRES/GPU output option "pestat -G" now prints the job gres/gpu information
> as obtained from squeue's tres-alloc output option, which should contain the
> most correct GRES/GPU information.
> If you have a cluster with GPUs, could you try out the latest version and send
> me any feedback?
> Thanks to René Sitt for helpful suggestions and testing.
> The pestat tool can print a large variety of node and job information, and is
> generally useful for monitoring nodes and jobs on Slurm clusters.  For command
> options and examples please see the download page.  My own favorite usage is
> "pestat -F".

Thanks for the update - the GPU information is a good addition.
However, the alignment of the columns with the headers seems a bit off:

$ pestat -p gpu -G
Print only nodes in partition gpu
GRES (Generic Resource) is printed after each jobid
Hostname       Partition     Node Num_CPU  CPUload  Memsize  Freemem  GRES/node              Joblist
                    State Use/Tot  (15min)     (MB)     (MB)                         JobID(JobArrayID) User GRES/job ...
g001             gpu      mix   1  32    0.06*    95200    89990  gpu:gtx1080ti:2(S:0-1) 8692106 joesnow gpu=2
g002             gpu      mix   6  32    1.70*    95200    71692  gpu:gtx1080ti:2(S:0-1) 8692181(8536946_566) gailhail gpu=1 8692131(8536946_563) gailhail gpu=1
g003             gpu      mix   1  32    0.06*    95200    87622  gpu:gtx1080ti:2(S:0-1) 8692111 joesnow gpu=2
g004             gpu      mix   6  32    1.74*    95200    65647  gpu:gtx1080ti:2(S:0-1) 8692124(8536946_562) gailhail gpu=1 8692122(8536946_561) gailhail gpu=1

It looks as if the column 'Partition' needs to be four spaces wider.



Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de

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