[slurm-users] Slurm reservation for migrating user home directories

Ward Poelmans ward.poelmans at vub.be
Fri Apr 16 13:20:12 UTC 2021

Hi Ole,

On 16/04/2021 14:23, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
> Question:  Does anyone have experiences with this type of scenario?  Any
> good ideas or suggestions for other methods for data migration?

We once did something like that.

Basically it did something like that:
- Process is kicked off per user by some trigger
- Block all new jobs of the given user
- Wait until all currently running jobs have finished
- Disable the user in the LDAP and wipe the sssd cache for the user.
- Kill all their processes on the login nodes
- Move the data
- Re-enable the user in the LDAP
- Remove any blocks/limits of the user to start new job
- Mail the user that he/she can continue working again.

The whole process went pretty smooth.


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