[slurm-users] derived counters

Ole Holm Nielsen Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk
Tue Apr 13 06:52:48 UTC 2021

Hi Frank,

On 4/12/21 9:53 AM, Heckes, Frank wrote:
> Hello Ole, many thanks for sharing your scripts, they cover most of the topics I was looking for. (my apologies, I noticed them already, but didn't checked them careful enough). The script are very clean coded and documented. Great work.

Thanks for your nice comments.  I'm glad these scripts can be of use.

>> -----Original Message-----
>>>    * (average) queue length for a certain partition

I wonder what exactly does your question mean?  Maybe the number of jobs 
or CPUs in the Pending state?  Maybe relative to the number of CPUs in the 

The "slurmacct" command prints (possibly for a specified partition) the 
average job waiting time while Pending in the queue, but not the queue 
length information.

It may be difficult to answer your question from the Slurm database.  The 
sacct command displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps, but not 
directly for partitions.

There are other Slurm monitoring tools which perhaps can supply the data 
you are looking for.  You could ask this list again.


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