[slurm-users] sacct output issue with -s specification

Deepak Khosla dkhosla at x-iss.com
Thu Nov 5 04:14:23 UTC 2020

I have been dumping output for finished jobs using the following and on v18, suddenly the same '-s' option is not producing any oputput:
$ sacct -a -s F,CD -S 2020-10-01
13398           Job25.1       defq                    32     FAILED      9:0
13398.batch       batch                               32     FAILED      9:0
13398.extern     extern                               32  COMPLETED      0:0

On version 17.11.10, I get valid output.

On version 18.08.9, I get no output.

However, if I remove the '-s F,CD' from the command, I see failed and completed jobs as expected e.g.:
$ sacct -a -s F,CD -S 2020-10-01
       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------

$  sacct -a -S 2020-10-01
       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
2            simple.job    compute                    20  COMPLETED      0:0
2.batch           batch                               20  COMPLETED      0:0
3            mpi_test_+    compute                    40  COMPLETED      0:0
3.batch           batch                               20  COMPLETED      0:0
3.0               orted                               20  COMPLETED      0:0

Deepak Khosla

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