[slurm-users] Slurm configuration, Weight Parameter

Chris Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Sat Nov 23 17:16:29 UTC 2019

On 23/11/19 9:14 am, Chris Samuel wrote:

> My gut instinct (and I've never tried this) is to make the 3GB nodes be 
> in a separate partition that is guarded by AllowQos=3GB and have a QOS 
> called "3GB" that uses MinTRESPerJob to require jobs to ask for more 
> than 2GB of RAM to be allowed into the QOS.

Of course there's nothing to stop a user requesting more memory than 
they need to get access to these nodes, but that's a social issue not a 
technical one. :-)

  Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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