[slurm-users] Example 16 of CPU Management User and Administrator Guide does not work.

Uemoto, Tomoki fj2770fj at aa.jp.fujitsu.com
Wed Nov 20 08:37:14 UTC 2019

Hi, All

I checked 'Example 16' of CPU Management User and Administrator Guide.
However, the following message was output.

  task/cgroup: task[1] not enough Core objects (4 < 6), disabling affinity
  task/cgroup: task[3] not enough Core objects (4 < 6), disabling affinity
  task/cgroup: task[4] not enough Core objects (4 < 6), disabling affinity
  task/cgroup: task[0] not enough Core objects (4 < 6), disabling affinity
  task/cgroup: task[2] not enough Core objects (4 < 6), disabling affinity
  task/cgroup: task[5] not enough Core objects (4 < 6), disabling affinity

See attachment file for details.

What does this message mean?


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