[slurm-users] 19.05.0 x11 in sbatch

Hidas, Dean dhidas at bnl.gov
Wed May 29 21:30:14 UTC 2019


I recently upgraded from 18.08.7 to 19.05.0 and at the moment it seems that the following is not accepted in a sbatch script, although it was working fine for us from 18x:
#SBATCH --x11=all

(or batch, first, last).  sbatch exits with the following message:
sbatch: unrecognized option '--x11=all'
Try "sbatch --help" for more information

X11 works fine, for instance sruns similar to the following all work without issue:
srun --x11 xclock

The configuration was:
./configure --enable-debug --enable-x11 --with-pmix=/opt/software/pmix/3.1.2 --sysconfdir=/etc/slurm --prefix=/opt/software/slurm/19.05.0

Is there any idea what I might have missed?

Best Regards,

-Dean Hidas

Dean Andrew Hidas, Ph.D.
Associate Physicist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 631 344 3568

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