[slurm-users] Partition QOS limits not being applied

Loris Bennett loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de
Fri May 10 05:56:27 UTC 2019

Hi David,

David Carlson <david.carlson at stonybrook.edu> writes:

> Hi SLURM users,
> I work on a cluster, and we recently transitioned to using SLURM on
> some of our nodes. However, we're currently having some difficulty
> limiting the number of jobs that a user can run simultaneously in
> particular partitions. Here are the steps we've taken:
> 1. Created a new QOS and set MaxJobsPerUser=4 with sacctmgr.
> 2. Modified slurm.conf so that the relevant PartitionName line includes QOS=<qos name>.
> 3. Restarted slurmctld.
> However, after taking these steps, the partition in question still
> does not have any limits on the number of jobs that a user can run
> simultaneously. Is there something wrong here, or are there additional
> steps that we need to take?
> Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Do you have something like


in your slurm.conf?



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de

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