[slurm-users] Partition QOS limits not being applied

David Carlson david.carlson at stonybrook.edu
Thu May 9 19:16:33 UTC 2019

Hi SLURM users,

I work on a cluster, and we recently transitioned to using SLURM on some of
our nodes.  However, we're currently having some difficulty limiting the
number of jobs that a user can run simultaneously in particular
partitions.  Here are the steps we've taken:

1.  Created a new QOS and set MaxJobsPerUser=4 with sacctmgr.
2.  Modified slurm.conf so that the relevant PartitionName line includes
QOS=<qos name>.
3.  Restarted slurmctld.

However, after taking these steps, the partition in question still does not
have any limits on the number of jobs that a user can run simultaneously.
Is there something wrong here, or are there additional steps that we need
to take?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Dave Carlson
PhD Candidate
Ecology and Evolution Department
Stony Brook University
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