[slurm-users] [External] Is that possible to submit jobs to a Slurm cluster right from a developer's PC

Prentice Bisbal pbisbal at pppl.gov
Fri Dec 13 16:19:53 UTC 2019

> Does Slurm provide an option to allow developers submit jobs right 
> from their own PCs?

Yes. They just  need to have the relevant Slurm packages installed, and 
the necessary configuration file(s).


On 12/11/19 11:39 PM, Victor (Weikai) Xie wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to setup a tiny Slurm cluster to manage shared access to 
> the GPU server in our team. Both slurmctld and slumrd are going to run 
> on this GPU server. But here is a problem. On one hand, we don't want 
> to give developers ssh access to that box, because otherwise they 
> might bypass Slurm job queue and launch jobs directly on the box. On 
> the other hand, if developers don't have ssh access to the box, how 
> can they run 'sbatch' command to submit jobs?
> Does Slurm provide an option to allow developers submit jobs right 
> from their own PCs?
> Regards,
> Victor (Weikai)  Xie
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