[slurm-users] About x11 support

Chris Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Thu Nov 22 04:05:21 MST 2018

On Thursday, 22 November 2018 9:24:50 PM AEDT Tina Friedrich wrote:

> I really don't want to start a flaming discussion on this - but I don't
> think it's an unusual situation.

Oops sorry, I wasn't intending to imply it wasn't a valid way to do it, it's 
just that across the many organisations I've helped with HPC systems down here 
it's not something I'd come across before.   Even the couple that had common 
authN/authZ configs between user workstations and clusters had the management 
nodes firewalled off so the only access to the batch system was by ssh into 
the login nodes of the cluster.

I think it's good to hear from sites where this is the case because we can 
easily get stuck in our own little bubbles until something comes and trips us 
up like that.

All the best!
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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