[slurm-users] cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge

~Stack~ i.am.stack at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 10:12:43 MDT 2018

An update. I was unable to get any further. I removed all of the OHPC
packages and built on the EL7 system from source the exact same version
of SLURM 17.11.7  as I have on the EL6 cluster. I end up with the EXACT
same error. The compile was done with `rpmbuild -ta`.

Here is what I find weird. In the compile history I SEE where it finds
the munge-devel package. However, it doesn't generate a slurm-munge rpm
like it does on the EL6 system. I think the docs are wrong that this is
generated for EL7 systems.

I did some poking around and found that indeed, I do have
/usr/lib64/slurm/auth_munge.so. Pass it into yum provides and I see it
is in the slurm-17.11.7-1.el7.x86_64.rpm package!

So I have it installed. Why then do I still have the error?
sinfo: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge
looking at all files
sinfo: error: cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge
sinfo: error: cannot create auth context for auth/munge
sinfo: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge
looking at all files
sinfo: error: cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge
sinfo: error: cannot create auth context for auth/munge
sinfo: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge
looking at all files
sinfo: error: cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge
sinfo: error: cannot create auth context for auth/munge
sinfo: error: authentication: authentication initialization failure
slurm_load_partitions: Protocol authentication error

Any thoughts?

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