[slurm-users] GRES GPU issues

Lou Nicotra lnicotra at interactions.com
Mon Dec 3 07:13:09 MST 2018

Hi All, I have recently set up a slurm cluster with my servers and I'm
running into an issue while submitting GPU jobs. It has something to to
with gres configurations, but I just can't seem to figure out what is
wrong. Non GPU jobs run fine.

The error is as follows:
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid Trackable RESource
(TRES) specification  after submitting a batch job.

My batch job is as follows:
#SBATCH --partition=tiger_1   # partition name
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:k20:1
#SBATCH --gres-flags=enforce-binding
#SBATCH --time=0:20:00  # wall clock limit
#SBATCH --output=gpu-%J.txt
#SBATCH --account=lnicotra
module load cuda
python gpu1

Where gpu1 is a GPU test script that runs correctly while invoked via
python. Tiger_1 partition has servers with GPUs, with a mix of 1080GTX and
K20 as specified in slurm.conf

I have defined GRES resources in the slurm.conf file:
NodeName=tiger[01,05,10,15,20] Gres=gpu:1080gtx:2
NodeName=tiger[02-04,06-09,11-14,16-19,21-22] Gres=gpu:k20:2

And have a local gres.conf on the servers containing GPUs...
lnicotra at tiger11 ~# cat /etc/slurm/gres.conf
# GPU Definitions
# NodeName=tiger[02-04,06-09,11-14,16-19,21-22] Name=gpu Type=K20
Name=gpu Type=K20 File=/dev/nvidia[0-1] Cores=0,1

and a similar one for the 1080GTX
# GPU Definitions
# NodeName=tiger[01,05,10,15,20] Name=gpu Type=1080GTX File=/dev/nvidia[0-1]
Name=gpu Type=1080GTX File=/dev/nvidia[0-1] Cores=0,1

The account manager seems to know about the GPUs...
lnicotra at tiger11 ~# sacctmgr show tres
    Type            Name     ID
-------- --------------- ------
     cpu                      1
     mem                      2
  energy                      3
    node                      4
 billing                      5
      fs            disk      6
    vmem                      7
   pages                      8
    gres             gpu   1001
    gres         gpu:k20   1002
    gres     gpu:1080gtx   1003

Can anyone point out what am I missing?



*Lou Nicotra*

IT Systems Engineer - SLT

Interactions LLC

o:  908-673-1833 <781-405-5114>

m: 908-451-6983 <781-405-5114>

*lnicotra at interactions.com <lnicotra at interactions.com>*



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