Over a week ago I sent the message below to the address I found for the list owner, but have not received a response.
Does anyone know how to proceed in this case?
-------------------- Start of forwarded message -------------------- From: Loris Bennett loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de To: slurm-users-owner@lists.schedmd.com Subject: Unable to receive password reminder Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2025 08:35:42 +0100
Dear list owner,
I have recently switched from reading the list via mail to using the mail to news gateway at news.gmane.io. Therefore I would like change my mailman settings in order to stop delivery of postings via mail.
As I have forgotten my list password, I requested a reminder. However I get the reply that no user with the given email address was found in the user database. The addresses I tried were
loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de loris@zedat.fu-berlin.de
the former being an alias for the latter. This is the email account which to which emails from the list are sent, so I am somewhat confused as to why the neither of the addresses is recognised.
Could you please help me to resolve this issue?
Loris Bennett
Apologies for the confusion - we've fixed some internal mail routing for the list admin accounts and shouldn't miss requests like what you'd sent again. You've been removed.
For anyone in a similar situation, the footer on all list messages mentions:
"To unsubscribe send an email to slurm-users-leave@lists.schedmd.com"
You do need to send that request from the address you're receiving mailing list traffic on, and will need to confirm the request by replying to an auto-generated response once. (This is to prevent someone forging your address and silently unsubscribing you.)
If you want to directly manage your subscriptions, you can create an account on https://lists.schedmd.com/ matching your subscribed address, and subscribe or unsubscribe from there. Unfortunately this is a bit more involved, but was an unavoidable change when we needed to migrate to Mailman 3.
- Tim
On 1/14/25 06:17, Loris Bennett via slurm-users wrote:
Over a week ago I sent the message below to the address I found for the list owner, but have not received a response.
Does anyone know how to proceed in this case?
-------------------- Start of forwarded message -------------------- From: Loris Bennett loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de To: slurm-users-owner@lists.schedmd.com Subject: Unable to receive password reminder Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2025 08:35:42 +0100
Dear list owner,
I have recently switched from reading the list via mail to using the mail to news gateway at news.gmane.io. Therefore I would like change my mailman settings in order to stop delivery of postings via mail.
As I have forgotten my list password, I requested a reminder. However I get the reply that no user with the given email address was found in the user database. The addresses I tried were
loris.bennett@fu-berlin.de loris@zedat.fu-berlin.de
the former being an alias for the latter. This is the email account which to which emails from the list are sent, so I am somewhat confused as to why the neither of the addresses is recognised.
Could you please help me to resolve this issue?
Loris Bennett