How much RAM does your laptop have? How much have you told slurm it has? How much is needed by the system? Does your task actually need 2GB?
Also your CPU/cores/threads counts don't appear to make sense.
The node/partition info from slurm.conf might help. What does `slurmd -C` say on your laptop?
-- Luke Sudbery Principal Engineer (HPC and Storage). Architecture, Infrastructure and Systems Advanced Research Computing, IT Services Room 132, Computer Centre G5, Elms Road
Please note I don’t work on Monday.
From: Antonio Rius via slurm-users Sent: 19 February 2025 05:46 To: Subject: [slurm-users] Running SLURM in a laptop
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For testing purposes I am using SLURM installed in a lenovo laptop running ubuntu 24-04. I am trying this configuration as part of my slurm learning process before using a real HPC facility.
In my trial I want to submit an array of 9 independent processes.
The CPU information of such machine is: Total Logical CPUs: 16 Physical Cores: 12 Threads per Core: 2 ================================= and the slurm script (attached) that I am using contain the sentences :
#SBATCH --job-name=process_pkl #SBATCH --array=1-9 #SBATCH --output=/tmp/process_pkl_%A_%a.out #SBATCH --error=/tmp/process_pkl_%A_%a.err #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem=2G =================================== but in practice, using htop, only 4 processes are running concurrently, and there are other 12 CPUs without activity. My question is: What am I missing in my setup?