If they are on two different machines, doing as described on the slurm documentation is not a problem. I just updated an ubuntu installation a few days ago following the doc and they can both can run without the other running
If they are on the same machine, my guess would be that you have to first stop slurmdb then slurmctld, update them both, first start slurmdb and them slurmctld. Just be sure to disable them both in systemd, to avoid that they restart in the wrong order. (it happened to me with apt). I am not experienced on one machine configs, so someone else might be able to confirm or correct me.
Hope that helps
On 06/03/2025 17.04, Matthias Leopold via slurm-users wrote:
I'm building Slurm Debian packages from SchedMD sources using this tutorial https://www.schedmd.com/slurm/installation-tutorial/. Now I tried upgrading (minor release upgrade within 24.05) using these packages. https://slurm.schedmd.com/upgrades.html tells me to upgrade (a) slurmdbd (b) slurmctld (c) slurmd separately in this order, stopping each service for the upgrade. How can I follow this when the Debian packages have a dependency between slurmdbd + slurmctld that upgrades both packages at the same time?
thx Matthias