I'm writing a small lua script that for modify "TimeLimit" of a submited job if user has configured a TimeLimit bigger that configured in the partition. So, is TimeLimit for partition is, for example, 4 hours (04:00:00) and user submit his/her job with a TimeLimit of 5 hours, lua script modify this submit and forces "TimeLimit" to 4 hours for avoiding that job remains at queue in state "pending" with reason "Partition Time Limit...".
I have written these lines:
function slurm_job_submit(job_desc, part_list, submit_uid) --[[ my id is 1008; for testing purposes, lua only applies to me --]] if (job_desc.user_id == 1008) then slurm.log_info("Submit job by me") --[[ I check partition --]] if (job_desc['partition'] == "nodo.q") then --[[ if (job_desc['time_limit'] > 14400) job_desc['time_limit'] = 14400 end end end return slurm.SUCCESS end
However, if I submit a job with TimeLimit of 5 hours, lua script doesn't modify submit and job remains "pending"...
What am I doing wrong?