Brian Andrus via slurm-users slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com writes:
Unless you are using cgroups and constraints, there is no limit imposed.
So your request did not exceed what slurm sees as available (1 cpu using 4GB), so it is happy to let your script run. I suspect if you look at the usage, you will see that 1 cpu spiked high while the others did nothing.
Thanks for the input.
I'm aware that without cgroups and constraints there is no real limit imposed, but what I don't understand is why the first three submissions below do get stopped by sbatch while the last one happily goes through?
,---- | $ sbatch -N 1 -n 1 -c 76 -p short --mem-per-cpu=4000M test.batch | sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Memory required by task is not available | | $ sbatch -N 1 -n 76 -c 1 -p short --mem-per-cpu=4000M test.batch | sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Memory required by task is not available | | $ sbatch -n 1 -c 76 -p short --mem-per-cpu=4000M test.batch | sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Memory required by task is not available `----
,---- | $ sbatch -n 76 -c 1 -p short --mem-per-cpu=4000M test.batch | Submitted batch job 133982 `----