we recently started monitoring GPU usage on our GPUs with NVIDIA's DCGM: https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/job-statistics-nvidia-data-center-gpu-mana...
We create a new dcgmi group for each job and start the statistics retrieval for it in a prolog script.
Then we stop the retrieval, save the dcgmi verbose stats output and delete the dcgmi group in an epilog script.
The output presents JobID, GPU IDs, runtime, energy consumed, and SM utilization, among other things.
We retrieve the relevant data into a database and hope to be able to advise our users on better practices based on the analysis of it.
Best wishes, Pierre-Antoine Schnell
Am 16.10.24 um 15:10 schrieb Sylvain MARET via slurm-users:
Hey guys !
I'm looking to improve GPU monitoring on our cluster. I want to install this https://github.com/NVIDIA/dcgm-exporter and saw in the README that it can support tracking of job id : https://github.com/NVIDIA/dcgm-exporter?tab=readme-ov-file#enabling-hpc-job-...
However I haven't been able to see any examples on how to do it nor does slurm seem to expose this information by default. Does anyone do this here ? And if so do you have any examples I could try to follow ? If you have advise on best practices to monitor GPU I'd be happy to hear it out !
Regards, Sylvain Maret