[slurm-users] squeue: unrecognized option '--array-unique'

Loris Bennett loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de
Tue Sep 12 07:59:07 UTC 2023

Loris Bennett <loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de> writes:

> Hi,
> Since upgrading to 23.02.5, I am seeing the following error
>   $ squeue --array-unique
>   squeue: unrecognized option '--array-unique'
>   Try "squeue --help" for more information
> The help for 'squeue' implies it is still a valid option:
>   $ squeue --help | grep array-unique
>         --array-unique              display one unique pending job array
> Is this a regression or is something else going on?

I see that


contains the line

  -- squeue - removed --array-unique option.

which makes sense, since 


does the same thing.  A bug report regarding the redundant information
displayed by '--help' is here:




Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin

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