[slurm-users] Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge looking at all files

C s1lentparr0t10 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 02:29:05 UTC 2023


I need to use SLURM for a project. I installed it by this quick start guide
( https://ibmimaster.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/quickstart_admin.html ). First I
just want to run it on one cluster.

- I did steps 1 to 7, create the slurm user with my slurm binaries as home
- created the necessary dirs for log and spool files
- created slurm.conf.with the easy configurator
- munge was also installed via apt packet manager.(using Ubuntu 20)

I do not know what step 8 exactly mean and what the library_location is, so
I skipped this one.

When running slurmd or slurmctld, I get the following error:
root at me:# slurmd
slurmd: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge
looking at all files
slurmd: error: cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge
slurmd: error: cannot create auth context for auth/munge
slurmd: fatal: failed to initialize auth plugin

root at me:# slurmctld
slurmctld: error: Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge
looking at all files
slurmctld: error: cannot find auth plugin for auth/munge
slurmctld: error: cannot create auth context for auth/munge
slurmctld: fatal: failed to initialize auth plugin

Any idea how I could fix this? I'd be very thankful.

Kind regards
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