[slurm-users] [ext] SLURM REST API and GRES

Hagdorn, Magnus Karl Moritz magnus.hagdorn at charite.de
Tue Nov 28 09:13:44 UTC 2023

I figured it out - I need to use the tres_per_ field and prepend
"gres:" to the string.

On Tue, 2023-11-28 at 08:16 +0000, Hagdorn, Magnus Karl Moritz wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying to submit jobs using the REST API with GRES. However, I
> can't see a way of specifying GRES in the job description dictionary
> [1]. Or more generally how to request GPUs. Does anybody know how to
> do
> this?
> Regards
> magnus
> [1] https://slurm.schedmd.com/rest_api.html#v0.0.40_job_desc_msg

Magnus Hagdorn
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT | Scientific Computing
Campus Charité Mitte
BALTIC - Invalidenstraße 120/121
10115 Berlin
magnus.hagdorn at charite.de
HPC Helpdesk: sc-hpc-helpdesk at charite.de
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