[slurm-users] ulimits

Franky Backeljauw franky.backeljauw at uantwerpen.be
Thu Nov 16 20:13:52 UTC 2023

Hi Vlad

If you are using the systemd services, then you can change the value in the file /usr/lib/systemd/system/slurmd.service, e.g.:


See https://www.baeldung.com/linux/ulimit-limits-systemd-units for the list of possibilities…

-- Kind regards


Van: slurm-users <slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com> namens Ozeryan, Vladimir <Vladimir.Ozeryan at jhuapl.edu>
Datum: donderdag, 16 november 2023 om 21:05
Aan: slurm-users at schedmd.com <slurm-users at schedmd.com>
Onderwerp: [slurm-users] ulimits
Hello everyone,

I am having the following issue, on the compute nodes “POSIX message queues” is set to unlimited for soft and hard limits.
However, when I do “srun -w node01 --pty bash -I” and then once I am in the node I do “cat /proc/SLURMPID/limits” it shows that “Max msgqueue size” is set to 819200 for both soft and hard limits.
Where is it being set and how do I change it?

Thank you,

Vlad Ozeryan
AMDS – AB1 Linux-Support
Vladimir.Ozeryan at jhuapl.edu
Ext. 23966

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