[slurm-users] RES: RES: Change something in user's script using job_submit.lua plugin

Paulo Jose Braga Estrela paulo.estrela at petrobras.com.br
Wed Nov 1 00:25:29 UTC 2023

Yes, reading the sources I found that _update_job function in job_mgr.c is responsible for calling job_submit_plugin_modify function. After calling it, _update_job validates and apply the changes made by the plugin function to many job record fields but don’t touch the script field. So, for now we can't change a job script using job_submit plugin. I'll see if it was done intentionally to prevent something from going wrong or if it was just forgotten.

By the way, thanks for trying to help me, Ole!

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Ole Holm Nielsen <Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk>
Enviada em: sábado, 28 de outubro de 2023 03:48
Para: Slurm User Community List <slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com>
Cc: Paulo Jose Braga Estrela <paulo.estrela at petrobras.com.br>
Assunto: Re: RES: [slurm-users] Change something in user's script using job_submit.lua plugin

Hi Paulo,

Maybe what you see is due to a bug then?  You might try to update Slurm to see if has been fixed.

You should not use the Slurm RPMs from EPEL - I think offering these RPMs was a mistake.

Anyway you ought to upgrade to the latest Slurm 23.02.6 since a serious security issue was fixed a couple of weeks ago.  Older Slurm versions are all affected!  Perhaps this Wiki guide can help you upgrade to the latest RPM: https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/Niflheim_system/Slurm_installation/


On 27-10-2023 13:13, Paulo Jose Braga Estrela wrote:
> Yes, the script is running and changing other fields like comment, partition, account is working fine. The only problem seems to be the script field of job_rec. I'm using Slurm 20.11.9 from EPEL repository for RHEL 8. Thank you for sharing your Wiki. I've accessed it before. It's really useful for HPC engineers.
> Best regards,
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: slurm-users <slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com> Em nome de Ole
> Holm Nielsen Enviada em: sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2023 03:31
> Para: slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com
> Assunto: Re: [slurm-users] Change something in user's script using
> job_submit.lua plugin
> Hi Paulo,
> Which Slurm version do you have, and did you set this in slurm.conf:
> JobSubmitPlugins=lua ?
> Perhaps you may find some useful information in this Wiki page:
> https://wiki/
> .fysik.dtu.dk%2FNiflheim_system%2FSlurm_configuration%2F%23job-submit-
> plugins&data=05%7C01%7Cpaulo.estrela%40petrobras.com.br%7Cba06d0f43b16
> 4fdf6d8e08dbd781ce98%7C5b6f62419a574be48e501dfa72e79a57%7C0%7C0%7C6383
> 40724794687584%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2l
> uMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=lthsF5GAYkNM
> jcFHVzERVO0stoth%2F8XZCssW%2B6jLGBw%3D&reserved=0
> /Ole
> On 26-10-2023 19:07, Paulo Jose Braga Estrela wrote:
>> Is it possible to change something in user’s sbatch script by using a
>> job_submit plugin? To be more specific, using Lua job_submit plugin.
>> I’m trying to do the following in job_submit.lua when a user changes
>> job’s partition to “cloud” partition, but the script got executed
>> without modification.
>> function slurm_job_modify(job_desc, job_rec, part_list, modify_uid)
>>           if job_desc.partition == "cloud" then
>>                   slurm.log_info("slurm_job_modify: Bursting job %u
>> from uid %u to the cloud...",job_rec.job_id,modify_uid)
>>                   script = job_rec.script
>>                   slurm.log_info("Script BEFORE change: %s",script)
>>                   -- changing user command to another command
>>                   script = string.gsub(script,"local command","cloud
>> command")
>>                   slurm.log_info("Script AFTER change %s",script)
>>                   -- The script variable is really changed
>>                   job_rec.script = script
>>                   slurm.log_info("Job RECORD SCRIPT
>> %s",job_rec.script)
>>                   -- The job record also got changed, but the
>> EXECUTED script isn’t changed at all. It runs without modification.
>>           end
>>           return slurm.SUCCESS
>> end

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