[slurm-users] Can sinfo/scontrol be called from job_submit.lua?

Ole Holm Nielsen Ole.H.Nielsen at fysik.dtu.dk
Wed Oct 12 14:12:50 UTC 2022

Hi Rob,
On 10/12/22 15:40, Groner, Rob wrote:
> Otherwise, I would think that gathering information to make a decision 
> while in the job_submit.lua would be a normal expectation.  Is there 
> really no way to know how many nodes are up or what features are on the 
> system while I'm processing in the job submit? sacctmgr seems to work fine 
> in there.

My 2 cents:

The slurmctld calls the Lua function slurm_job_submit(job_desc, part_list, 
submit_uid) which you provide in /etc/slurm/job_submit.lua.  This means 
that the Lua script only has access to the job's data "job_desc", the 
partition list, and the userid.  That's it.

It seems that slurm_job_submit was not designed to provide the kind of 
information that you are asking for.


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