[slurm-users] Question about having 2 partitions that are mutually exclusive, but have unexpected interactions

Brian Andrus toomuchit at gmail.com
Thu May 12 16:10:39 UTC 2022

I suspect you have too low of a setting for "MaxJobCount"

               The maximum number of jobs SLURM can have in its active database
               at one time. Set the values  of*MaxJobCount*   and*MinJobAge*   to
               insure the slurmctld daemon does not exhaust its memory or other
               resources. Once  this  limit  is  reached,  requests  to  submit
               additional  jobs will fail. The default value is 5000 jobs. This
               value may not be reset via "scontrol reconfig".  It  only  takes
               effect  upon  restart  of  the slurmctld daemon.  May not exceed

so if you already have (by default) 5000 jobs being considered, the 
remaining aren't even looked at.

Brian Andrus

On 5/12/2022 7:34 AM, David Henkemeyer wrote:
> Question for the braintrust:
> I have 3 partitions:
>   * Partition A_highpri: 80 nodes
>   * Partition A_lowpri: same 80 nodes
>   * Partition B_lowpri: 10 different nodes
> There is no overlap between A and B partitions.
> Here is what I'm observing.  If I fill the queue with ~20-30k jobs for 
> partition A_highpri, and several thousand to partition A_lowpri, then, 
> a bit later, submit jobs to partition B_lowpri, I am observing that 
> the Partition B jobs _are queued and not running right away, and are 
> given a pending reason of "Priority"_, which doesn't seem right to me. 
> Yes, there are higher priority jobs pending in the queue (the jobs 
> bound for A_hi), but there aren't any higher priority jobs pending 
> /for the same partition/ as the Partition B jobs, so theoretically, 
> these partition B jobs should not be held up.  Eventually, the 
> scheduler gets around to scheduling them, but it seems to take a while 
> for the scheduler (which is probably pretty busy dealing with 
> job starts, job stops, etc) to figure this out.
> If I schedule fewer jobs to the A partitions ( ~3k jobs ), then the 
> scheduler schedules the PartitionB jobs much faster, as expected.  As 
> I increase from 3k, then partition B jobs get held up longer and longer.
> I can raise the priority on partition B, and that does solve the 
> problem, but I don't want those jobs to impact the partition A_lowpri 
> jobs.  In fact, _I don't want any cross-partition influence_.
> I'm hoping there is a slurm parameter I can tweak to make slurm 
> recognize that these partition B jobs shouldn't ever have a pending 
> state of "priority".  Or to treat these as 2 separate queues.  Or 
> something like that.  Spinning up a 2nd slurm controller is not ideal 
> for us (uless there is a lightweight method to do it).
> Thanks
> David
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