[slurm-users] SLURM: reconfig

Mark Dixon mark.c.dixon at durham.ac.uk
Fri May 6 08:26:43 UTC 2022

On Thu, 5 May 2022, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
> You're right, probably the correct order for Configless must be:
> * stop slurmctld
> * edit slurm.conf etc.
> * start slurmctld
> * restart the slurmd nodes to pick up new slurm.conf
> See also slides 29-34 in
> https://slurm.schedmd.com/SLUG21/Field_Notes_5.pdf from the Slurm
> publications site https://slurm.schedmd.com/publications.html
> Less-Safe, but usually okay, procedure:
> 1. Change configs
> 2. Restart slurmctld
> 3. Restart all slurmd processes really quickly

Sure, I'd seen that: but it's not exactly ideal, is it?

Roll on dynamic node adding and removing...


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