[slurm-users] [External] What is an easy way to prevent users run programs on the master/login node.

Michael Robbert mrobbert at mines.edu
Mon Feb 7 15:50:54 UTC 2022

They moved Arbiter2 to Github. Here is the new official repo: https://github.com/CHPC-UofU/arbiter2


On 2/7/22, 06:51, "slurm-users" <slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com> wrote:

I've just noticed that the repository https://gitlab.chpc.utah.edu/arbiter2
seems is down. Does someone know more?

Thank you!


Am Dienstag, 27. April 2021, 17:35:35 CET schrieb Prentice Bisbal:
> I think someone asked this same exact question a few weeks ago. The best
> solution I know of is to use Arbiter, which was created exactly for this
> situation. It uses cgroups to limit resource usage, but it adjusts those
> limits based on login node utilization and each users behavior ("bad"
> users get their resources limited more severely when they do "bad" things.
> I will be deploying it myself very soon.
> https://dylngg.github.io/resources/arbiterTechPaper.pdf
> <https://dylngg.github.io/resources/arbiterTechPaper.pdf><https://dylngg.github.io/resources/arbiterTechPaper.pdf%3e>
> Prentice
> On 4/23/21 10:37 PM, Cristóbal Navarro wrote:
> > Hi Community,
> > I have a set of users still not so familiar with slurm, and yesterday
> > they bypassed srun/sbatch and just ran their CPU program directly on
> > the head/login node thinking it would still run on the compute node. I
> > am aware that I will need to teach them some basic usage, but in the
> > meanwhile, how have you solved this type of user-behavior problem? Is
> > there a preffered way to restrict the master/login resources, or
> > actions,  to the regular users ?
> >
> > many thanks in advance

Stefan Stäglich,  Universität Freiburg,  Institut für Informatik
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