[slurm-users] Prologslurmctld env variable issue

Joe Teumer joe.teumer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 21:16:29 UTC 2021

Apologies, I was not able to reply to the previous thread.[slurm-users]
Prologslurmctld environment variables (google.com)

I was not able to use "spank_job_control_setenv" successfully with sbatch.

I'm using a spank option named 'env':
sbatch --env=test

My example environment.c script called the following functions as a test:

slurm_spank_init -> called with sbatch -> however, "test" value is Null
slurm_spank_job_prolog -> not called with sbatch
slurm_spank_init_post_opt -> called with sbatch -> however, "test" value is
slurm_spank_local_user_init -> not called with sbatch
slurm_spank_user_init -> not called with sbatch
slurm_spank_task_init_privileged -> not called with sbatch
slurm_spank_task_post_fork -> not called with sbatch

if (spank_job_control_setenv(sp, "env", global_variable, 1) !=
        slurm_info("init | Unable to set env");
        slurm_info("Value: %s",global_variable);
    else {
        slurm_info("init | Able to set env");
        slurm_info("Value: %s",global_variable);

sbatch: init | Able to set BIOS
sbatch: Value:

How can I reference the "--env=test" value in my c script?
Is it possible to run 'spank_job_control_setenv' with sbatch?
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