[slurm-users] [External] Node utilization for 24 hours

Florian Zillner fzillner at lenovo.com
Tue Sep 7 14:31:06 UTC 2021


you can run sreport like this:
sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser Start=$(date -d "last month" +%D) End=$(date -d "this month" +%D)
sreport cluster Utilization Start=$(date -d "last month" +%D) End=$(date -d "this month" +%D)

and script something around it, to show what you're looking for.

From: slurm-users <slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com> on behalf of Hemanta Sahu <hemantaku.sahu at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 September 2021 09:57
To: slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com <slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com>
Subject: [External] [slurm-users] Node utilization for 24 hours

Hello ,

  Is there any commands or script available to see particular Node utilization percentage in terms of  (allocated CPU CoreMins/available CPU Coremins) for certain time period(lets say for last 1 week).

 Appreciate any help in this regard

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