[slurm-users] Parent accounts

Stefan Staeglich staeglis at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Fri May 28 13:31:40 UTC 2021


for our monitoring system I want to query the account hierarchy. Is there a 
better approach than to parse the output of

sacctmgr list account withasso -nP


Something like

sacctmgr list account parent=bla withasso -nP

doesn't work.

Stefan Stäglich,  Universität Freiburg,  Institut für Informatik
Georges-Köhler-Allee,  Geb.52,   79110 Freiburg,    Germany

E-Mail : staeglis at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
WWW    : gki.informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Telefon: +49 761 203-8223
Fax    : +49 761 203-8222

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