[slurm-users] Building SLURM with X11 support

Marcus Boden mboden at gwdg.de
Fri May 28 09:56:47 UTC 2021

I have the same in our config.log and the x11 forwarding works fine. No 
other lines around it (about some failing checks or something), just this:

configure:22134: WARNING: unable to locate rrdtool installation
configure:22176: support for ucx disabled
configure:22296: checking whether Slurm internal X11 support is enabled
configure:22311: result:
configure:22350: checking for check >= 0.9.8


On 28.05.21 09:26, Bjørn-Helge Mevik wrote:
> Thekla Loizou <t.loizou at cyi.ac.cy> writes:
>> Also, when compiling SLURM in the config.log I get:
>> configure:22291: checking whether Slurm internal X11 support is enabled
>> configure:22306: result:
>> The result is empty. I read that X11 is build by default so I don't
>> expect a special flag to be given during compilation time right?
> My guess is that some X development library is missing.  Perhaps look in
> the configure script for how this test was done (typically it will try
> to compile something with those devel libraries, and fail).  Then see
> which package contains that library, install it and try again.

Marcus Vincent Boden, M.Sc.
Arbeitsgruppe eScience, HPC-Team
Tel.:   +49 (0)551 201-2191, E-Mail: mboden at gwdg.de
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG)
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